Daily Note From The Universe – How Cool

Daily, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second you are admired by eyes in the unseen, Rob. You are completely understood. Your actions and inactions are honored. Your thoughts and deeds are saluted. Even your fears and challenges are seen as they truly are: not as weaknesses, but opportunities you once crafted for gifts you can now hardly imagine.

And, I must say, having a connection with a soul as adventurous as yours gives us all ample reason to party like “the roof was on fire.”

Thanks, from this side of the curtains –
The Universe

This is the kind of messages I get every morning from the Universe. This is how I start my day. Not with CNN, not with Oprah or The View, but with my buddy, my favorite friend, the one that knows that everything I do is ok and loves me.

The Universe.

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Your adventure awaits!

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