Weight Loss And Fitness Expert Interviews

If you had the chance to ask any expert in the field of weight loss, fitness, muscle building or strength training, what would you ask? What would you want to know.

Lets say you wanted to ask Tom Venuto a question. Would you email him? would you join his membership forum and hope to hear from him? How would you connect with him to ask that ONE BURNING question?

Does it even interest you to be able to hear from these mentors and role models? To me it is. I believe that the easiest way to get where you want to go is to follow the map laid out by someone who’s been there before you, learn how they think and then duplicate what they accomplished. It’s the easiest way to skip what doesn’t work and go straight to what DOES work.

Frank Zane

How about legendary bodybuilder Frank Zane? Frank won Mr Olympia in 1977, 78 and 79. What would you want to know about his training now that he’s in his 60’s. Did you know that

Only three people in the history of professional bodybuilding ever defeated Arnold Schwarzenegger. Frank is one of those three people.

What about Dr Barry Sears, or Harvey Diamond? What would you want to ask these Nutrition experts about your diet? or your favorite foods? You get the idea.

Lets say you knew somebody that had the connections to get ahold of them and ask for you? What would you want to know?

I have come up with a plan to do just this. I will be conducting interviews over the next months and years asking the Fitness, Weight Loss, Nutrition and Strength Training experts YOUR questions as well as my own. Now, I need your help. Who should be interviewed? I know a lot of them, but can’t possibly know them all. What I propose is that you give me the heads up on someone you want to have interviewed and I’ll take care of the rest.

First question is Who?

Register for the , and then post your request in the Interview Request section

Once you’ve done that, the next step is

Ask the question

I’ll take it from there and ask others to submit their questions as well. Then I will endeavor to contact the person in question and arrange an interview. Once the interview is complete, you can go ahead and discuss the interview in the forum as well.

I got this idea after speaking with about the social aspect of building communities. It’s quite amazing what is possible when we all come together to act as one. He started me thinking about the 100 comments project for which I started my first 100 comments post about . The idea is to propose a question and then generate 100 comments about it. Discuss it through the comment system and develop a solution. My current topic is about .. what pisses you off and you’d like to have everyone know about. I’m looking to generate at least 100 comments on the subject and then will compile them into a “master list”. Then get it promoted and accepted as the final word on the subject. It’s about building interactivity. Building community, and it’s not the last 100 comments project I’ll be doing. Thanks Chris.So

Jon Benson Fit Over 40

I’ve already got my first interview lined up, with Jon Benson Transformation LifeCoach and co-author of Fit Over 40 – Role models for Fitness at Any Age. I have know Jon for years trust him completely. He has an incredible new project in the works to which I was just made aware of and told to keep secret.. but it’s about the Easiest Diet In The World.. with a Full Year of coaching and motivation.

He was telling me about it and my jaw dropped. He’s the first person I’ve ever heard agree with me on a very specific topic. When I exclaimed “Oh My God”, he laughed because he as well has never heard anyone refer to this subject in this way. We completely agree on this “secret subject”.

I’ve agreed to keep it under wraps, but I do want to say that this will be the single best thing you’ve ever done to “Easily Improve Your Eating Habits and Physique”. I for one cannot wait to read more about it and get into the system.

If you know of Jon, or just want to ask him a question, then visit his Fit Over 40 website, learn more about him and then go ahead and register for the forum and post your question in the Interview Questions section.

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