Whos Writing For The Blog – Writer Showcase

There are eleven writers that wrote for the blog this year, some full time, some part time and some very part time. I’d like to finish off 2007 by introducing four of them and showcasing a few of their articles. Then to usher in the new year, each Monday in January will feature a few more so that you can become familiar with them and what they write about.

Former Fat Guy Blog Writer Showcase

Scott Bird

scott birdHailing from Sydney Australia, Scott is passionate about strength training, cooking, photography and the environment. Scott posted his first cooking series about Healthy Asian Cooking starting with a look at the . He quickly followed that with , , what to look for when and to show how “well rounded” he is, is writing a book based on his short series on .

Scott Tousignant

scott tousignantScott is a personal trainer from Ontario, Husband and father of 2, Scott is also known as The Fit Bastard. Scott and I met when he interviewed me for his Unstoppable Fat Loss interview series and has been contributing great fitness articles and video. This summer, Scott showed us how to create a vision board so that we could have the vision of our ideal physique in front of us all the time. He’s shown us how to perform an Intense 10 Minute Leg Training with the help of his lovely wife, explained the fat burning 8 sets of 8 workout as well as Leg Sculpting Drop Sets.

Jessie aka Blush

jessieJessie and I met when she joined the forum. Her incredible writing with a hint of naughtyness caught my attention real quick! Being a mother of 4 all under seven with the youngest being twins and her being a stay at home mom who had just begun her weight loss journey, I asked her to blog her experiences. If anyone ever tells me that they can’t lose weight because they’ve got kids, have no time or any other host of excuses, I simply point them to jessie’s post on Taking Responsibility. Jessie joined a gym, got a personal trainer and restocked her kitchen and she began to lose a lot of fucking weight!


micheleMichele writes about relationships. She was the first member of my forum when I started it last summer and I’ve called her my Number One ever since. Michele began writing with her post on the Secrets Of Successful Marriages and having looked for her soul mate for a number of years wrote 5 Tips For Internet Dating. Michele and her long time boyfriend have been in a long distance relationship for a good while now and finally wound up meeting the family for the first time. Out of curiosity (pure curiosity), Michele recently watched this video on the swinger lifestyle and wrote her synopsis of what it means to be a swinger

Next Monday I’ll introduce you to Kandace, a life coach from Florida, :Kristine my Ultra Homeopathic Physician and Tracy my own Personal Trainer who lives and works here in this great city of Edmonton.