Understanding Diabetes Hypoglycemia and Syndrome X

In this 4 part series, I will take an in depth look at Diabetes, Hyperglycemia and Syndrome X, explaining them in detail and concluding with showing how to rebuild pancreatic function – removing diabetes and the different supplements that can benefit these different types of blood sugar problems.

Diabetes or Hyperglycemia is the accumulation of too much glucose in the blood stream, because of a pancreatic insufficiency, that usually involves insufficient production of pancreatic enzyme, and some times insufficient insulin, while Syndrome X was coined by Dr Gerald Raven, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University. In 1988 he noted there were many individuals presenting the phenomenon of insulin resistance, yet they could not be classified type 2 diabetes. These patients were at greater risk of cardiovascular disease than the general population, so this is what he called “Syndrome X”. I’ll go more into Syndrome X in part 2 of this series.

And so we begin…

Diabetes, Hypoglycemia and Syndrome X.

Part 1 of 4 part series

Is it possible to rebuild Pancreatic Function – removing Diabetes?

diabetes hyperglycemia syndrome x“…First, to explain a bit about myself I am a 52 year old male who has been an insulin dependent diabetic for the last 25 years and under the care of the same doctor who first diagnosed and treated me. Over the course of his treatment and care I have had many ups & downs with complications from my diabetes. My doctor was always telling me to improve my care – I like this doctor because he pulls no punches and tells it like it is, and many times he has told me so, get better or else! However, during my last doctor’s visit, this is the first time that he has been happy & pleased with all my medical results. My AIC, cholesterol, blood pressure, liver panels, etc were all normal. He knows I use a lot of natural supplements, visit complementary healthcare practitioners and do not like to take “pills”. I briefly explained to him the protocol I was using. He didn’t question me as to why I was doing this, he saw the results first hand.

The reason I now can justly write this referral is because until my recent stay in the Pasqua Hospital in Regina with a rather severe and painful right ear infection, I never understood what a “HEALTHIER” body, mine, could withstand, yes, withstand.

I am a man who prefers to do my health care and maintenance the most natural way possible. There is a place for main stream medicine when needed.

During my 3 day stay in the hospital, I was given mega dosages of Demerol, and other pain killers, anti-inflammatory & antibiotics. I had an infected cyst lanced in my right ear & my ear canal was closed shut – lots of fun!

Because of the protocol of supplements Kristine had put me on for a “dysaerobic” body, I was able to withstand & come thru all that my body experienced while in the hospital.

I honestly believe that without this protocol I would have become and stayed sick a lot worse than I was – without question!

I am not going into explanations on because the end result speaks for itself. With Kristine’s assistance, I will dispose of all the residue toxins in my body left from my hospital experience. They were very much needed at the time, but now its time to move on to the “HEALTHIER” body I had before.

To anyone who is considering Kristine to assist them becoming healthier, what are you waiting for? Let her work with you to achieve your goal.

Kristine, in closing I will keep it very simple.

My doctor of 30 years was beside himself with excitement when he discovered both my 30 years of heart disease, and diabetes, had already largely disappeared simultaneously after seeing you just 3 times!

Thank You.

-Martin, Age 52, Saskatchewan”

Limited Testimonial from Better Health Answers

Diabetes is the fifth leading cause of death in the US, and its incidence is increasing at an alarming rate.

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes or Hyperglycemia is the accumulation of too much glucose in the blood stream, because of a pancreatic insufficiency, that usually involves insufficient production of pancreatic enzyme, and some times insufficient insulin.

This high glucose and disruption of normal glucose metabolism places a great stress on the entire organism and can lead to a number of serious and potentially fatal complications.

Some of the conditions that come with diabetes are neuropathy, or simply put nerve damage, retinopathy often leading to blindness, atherosclerosis, (hardening of the arteries) loss of peripheral circulation, especially in the feet and legs which later could lead to gangrenes, and kidney failure.

Diabetes type 2 or non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or adult onset diabetes is a classic “disease of civilization”, almost unknown to people eating traditional diets and living in their traditional non sedentary way.

What Causes Diabetes?

One major culprit is soft drinks, which in their non diet form can contain as much as 10 teaspoons of sugar per can and in diet form, they contain NutraSweet or Aspartame which also elicits an insulin response too.

Aspartame and all the other artificial sweeteners elicit a number of neurological and metabolic responses that I will cover in another article.

Three Types Of Diabetes

  • Pancreatic insufficiency
  • Over active anterior pituitary gland
  • Excess Glucagon Levels

First Type of Diabetes – Pancreatic Insufficiency

The majority of type 2 diabetics are overweight or obese especially around the waist (visceral adiposity)

…Because of this pancreatic insufficiency, the patient has reduced carbohydrate tolerance, a defective fat metabolism, as well as lipemia, acidosis and ketonuria.

Usually a patient who experiences a pancreatic insufficiency,

  • is a slow healer
  • has low immunity
  • and decreased ability to destroy bacteria

In healing and in destroying bacteria, we use pancreatic enzymes, and if this is low in the gut, it will be low in the blood too.

The activity of the pancreas is opposed in activity by the sympathetic nervous system, and the adrenal glands are opposed in activity specifically by the adrenal medula. With diabetes we always see in an insufficiency of vasoconstriction, or elevated blood pressure, and increases in Epinephrine. Diabetics can have elevated pulse pressure, which is the difference between the systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, which should be close to 40 and an elevated pulse. This usually leads to arteriosclerosis, maybe even some angina, which is pain in the chest and left arm.

Henry Harrower in his research shows that the pancreas produces a hormone which is antagonistic to the sympathetic nervous system and Epinephrine. This hormone stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which reduces blood pressure, and is vasodilating.

Harrower recommends pancreatic enzyme, in some cases of angina… to be administered because of its vasodilating effect. He recommends pancreatic enzymes even for menopausal women with high blood pressure, for the same reason.

So this specific diabetes that we talked about so far has to do with pancreatic insufficiency.

The alpha cells of the pancreas secrete glucagon, a hormone that is released whenever whenever the blood sugar drops too low. Glucagon tells the liver and the muscles to release their stored glycogen as an emergency back up. The beta cells of the pancreas secrete insulin, which, as we have already seen, escort glucose into cells to be burned up for energy. The other function is to transport glucose to the liver and muscle tissue for storage as glycogen, or to cells to be stored as adipose tissue.

Second Type of Diabetes – Over Active Anterior Pituitary Gland

The next type of diabetes has to do with an over active anterior pituitary gland, which is associated with the decreased utilization of glucose. The insulin levels remain the same, so glucose is not taken into the cell.

Both these types of diabetes are associated with too many carbohydrates and too little chromium in the diet (which is being pushed out of the system because of the high sugar consumption, and not replenished because of the mineral deficiency in most foods)

Third Type of Diabetes – Excess Glucagon Levels

Then there is the third type of adult onset diabetes and this one is the one that has to do with excess glucagon levels. Glucagon is a hormone that raises the blood sugar levels. Only insulin reduces blood sugar levels, but 3 other hormones, adrenaline, cortisol, and glucagon, raise the blood sugar. With all the counteracting forces, it’s very difficult to keep that sugar / insulin balance.

Now this “Glucagon” third type of diabetes is not very well known here in North America. In Eastern Europe, the excess glucagon diabetes is treated with a surgical bypass, which diverts the glucagon production from the pancreas away from the liver and into the body’s general circulation. Here in North America, every type of diabetes is treated with insulin and oral hypoglycemic medication in conjunction with diet. This particular “diabetic” diet is notorious for damaging diabetics. (And that is the “diabetic” diet recommended by every dietician…)

This type of diabetes usually is associated with the .

Diabetes type 1 or juvenile diabetes only accounts for 5% of all the diabetic cases. It is a very serious disease which seem to be connected with a very serious trauma.
In juvenile diabetes, these individuals are usually slim and emaciated because of increases in metabolic rate from the wasting of protein that is associated with this disease.

Side Effects Of Diabetes

One of the common side effects of diabetes is polyurea, frequent urination, which causes dehydration, and loss of minerals like sodium magnesium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, hydrogen. There is almost always acidosis and bone demineralization.

Now scientists are trying to explain why we have such a widespread increase in diabetes. We all know that insulin resistivity or resistance is involved with adult onset diabetes or diabetes mellitus… But what causes it?

Doctors determined many years ago that insulin resistance is associated with high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and elevated triglycerides. Since obesity and abdominal obesity in particular was always considered the factor, many doctors concluded that obesity was a cause of this problem.

They believed and their belief was reinforced by the fact that when overweight people lost weight, their triglycerides, blood pressure and sugar improved.

Some even said that the insulin resistance comes with age, and is inevitable.

Researchers have taken lab animals, and fed them high sugar and high fat diets, to check what would happen to them.

The consequences were horrible. All lab animals got fat


…but still that wasn’t enough for scientists to draw conclusions… so generally speaking, they are still stuck at this level. Still unsure “what’s causing what”

Did we have to be already obese before a high fat diet and high sugar would cause insulin resistance? Did we have to reach a certain age before high fat and high sugar would become dangerous?

Some physiologists have prioritized the following sequence to prove obesity and triglycerides DO NOT cause Diabetes:

  1. high fat plus high sugar
  2. insulin resistance which comes with decreased glucose resistance and elevated serum insulin
  3. elevated serum triglycerides and increased size of abdominal fat cells
  4. elevated blood pressure increase clotting serum cholesterol normal to obese elevated but triglycerides very elevated
  5. obesity
  6. type 2 diabetes mellitus

Is it possible to rebuild Pancreatic Function – removing Diabetes?

…Stay tuned… because part 4 of this mini-series will cover Pancreatic Function – specifically…

So if a high fat high sugar diet is the #1 domino that leads to crashing health… can you understand why it’s so important to get properly tested with the Gold Test?

…This test will catch frequent misdiagnosis, the actual reversible causes, and the proper diet.

…Coming Next…

Part 2 article: Syndrome X
Part 3 article: Hypoglycemia
Part 4 article: Rebuilding of Pancreatic Function – Removing Diabetes. Also, the different supplements that can benefit these different types of blood sugar problems.
Signature - :Kristine :Earl - The Inner Biochemist -

The Inner Biochemist

Simple Health Solutions – in a Complicated Age

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The Inner Biochemist - :Kristine:Earl:


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