Swiss Ball Exercise Dumbbell Bench Press

Swiss ball Dumbbell Exercises are a fantastic way to improve core strength while you’re doing what you would normally do anyway. By using dumbbells as free weights, and choosing the Swiss ball instead of a traditional bench, you activate more muscles as you do your weight training. Activating more muscle should burn more fat. Having a stronger core improves posture and just makes you look better. Always use a Swiss ball when you’re doing your dumbbell exercises.

The Swiss Ball Dumbbell Bench Press

Begin by selecting your dumbbells from the rack. Roll out into the starting position tightening or activating your abdominals and lower back so that you have a parallel line from your knees to your head. Together, your abdominals and lower back make up your core.

Your shoulders, head and neck should be on the Swiss ball, while your lower back and the rest of your body is being held in position by your core strength alone.

swiss ball exercise dumbbell bench press

Lower the dumbbells down to your chest and then slowly press them back up.

swiss ball exercise

You will have to engage your core to keep yourself stable.

Concentrate on tightening your core, not necessarily on the dumbbells. You may have to begin with a lighter weight to be able to do this for the first time. Your body will want to sway off the ball, and to counter this, you have to engage the core muscles. Keep your bum up and make sure you keep a straight line from the head to the knees.

Do 10 reps, no more.

If you get to 10 repetitions and you find that you can do more, keep going, but note that the ideal number is 10, so make a note of that in your exercise log and increase the weight just slightly to bring the number down to 10.

Do 2 Sets of 10 Repetitions with a 60 second rest in between and you’re done.

Caution: At any time, if anything goes wrong and you lose your stability, drop the weights. Use a spotter if required.

Dumbbell Exercises done on a Swiss Ball are very effective at creating the lean physique and tight core that you desire.

Swiss Ball Photo’s used with permission by Muscle and Strength

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