Recipe: Indian Spiced Lentil Burgers

Rob loves lentil burgers! We’ve made several different varieties now, I had no idea there were so many options. This one caught my eye because we love Indian food and anything with curry in it. Lentils have so many benefits including: low-fat, high fiber, fill you up so you eat less, taste great! If you like Indian food and flavors try these lentil burgers and increase the spices to your own tastes.


Indian Spiced Lentil Burgers

3 Tbsp coconut oil
1/2 cup mince onion
1 cup cooked brown or green lentils, well drained
1 cup mashed cooked sweet potato (bake or steam it, boiling loses too many nutrients and makes it to moist)
1/2 cup finely chopped raw, unsalted cashews
2/3 cup spelt or kamut flakes, ground
1 Tbsp minced fresh parsley
2 tsp curry powder, or more to taste
1/2 tsp Celtic sea salt
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1/8 tsp ground cumin
1/8 tsp turmeric

Optional for servinge: Indian flatbread or pitas, and a fruit chutney.

Optional – add more or less spice to taste; add one minced serano chili pepper; try fresh cilantro instead of parsley. If you come up with a great variation let us know!

Heat 1 Tbsp oil in a frying pan, saute onion until softened and clear (about 5 minutes). Transfer to a food processor and add the lentils, sweet potato, cashews, spelt flakes, parsley, spices and salt. Process until well blended.

Shape mixture into small balls and flatten into patties. It should make about 8. Heat remaining oil in pan over medium heat. Cook patties until browned on both sides – about 5 minutes each side.

To serve, you can eat them just as the are with a little red pepper spread, hummus, or a fruit chutney of your choice. Or cut them into thin slices and roll up in a flatbread with some lettuce, tomatoe and avocado for a great wrap. Eat them hot when you make them, and take a wrap for lunch the next day – they taste great cold too and you don’t need to worry about keeping them cold at work like you do a meat sandwich. That is our version of a healthy sandwich for lunch.

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Indian Spiced Lentil Burgers Recipe Photo Credit:
Her View Photography

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