Sunday already?

The week is about to come into full swing. Are you excited? I know I am.

I have decided to put . away for a little while. Not because it isn’t working for me, but because I am a girl that likes VARIETY!! I like to have a bit of everything on my plate at the buffet.
MMMMMM buffet!! KK calm down J

I have chosen instead to use the program designed by . More specifically, the Fit Chic nutrition plan, along with the complimenting workout program.
After all, I have a competition to win here!!
I will of course be keeping you all in the loop with my progress.
I am also anxiously awaiting my “Bronze Plus” Test results from . So stay tuned to see if I am a Sugar Burner or a Fat Burner.

On Friday I talked about Something that I failed to mention though was how my body reacted to my deviations.

To be quite honest I felt like shit the entire time. Not because I felt guilty, but because the foods that I was putting into my body were having an adverse reaction.
I have been on a healthy eating kick for 5 weeks and all of a sudden I start putting all the crap back into my system. My body gave me a big dose of “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?”…
I felt tired…
My stomach started giving me problems…
I was irratable…
My face broke out into a lovely mess of pimples…
I couldn’t sleep properly…
I got headaches….

And what did Jessie learn from all this?

See ya guys later


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