Power Wheel Core Trainer Review

The Power Wheel is not to be confused with the abdominal wheel, but is still in the same category of abdominal exercise equipment. I have known about the Ab Wheel for years, but wanted something a bit more robust, better for outdoor workouts and which incorporates lower abdominal training as well. Enter the Power Wheel.

power wheel reviewSimilar in design to the good ‘ol , the Power Wheel takes it a step farther by incorporating foot pads for lower body work and which then completes this core training device by allowing for many more types of workouts.

Lower Abdominal and Core

By attaching your feet to the pedals, and having them held in place with the tubing, you can take your training to the next level. Some very basic movements include v-tucks, bending at the waist moving into the pike position and then returning as in a reverse version of the traditional V Sit-up. Another option for lower abs is to do tucks by bringing your knees into your chest and then returning them. For fun, you might consider walking or running on your hands while staying in the plank position and see how far you can travel. Make a competition out of how many “steps” or the actual distance or time the event. I can see how this can build not only a powerful core, but also upper body, pec and delt work. For added difficulty, try climbing the side of a hill, running uphill on your hands.
power wheel pike
of Real Man Fitness is demonstrating a pike with the Power Wheel in the photo to the right. This is not an easy move and requires a lot of training and patience before getting it done correctly. My trainer has had me doing this movement using a stability ball for years, and now I have a way to do it outside with only one piece of equipment.

You can also flip over to your back and do reverse tucks bringing your feet up towards your ass while propping yourself up on your shoulder blades.

The wheel is much bigger which I find allows for outdoor workouts on open terrain, so that’s a great improvement that I really like.

Upper Abdominals Workout

Using the Power Wheel handles allows you to start on your knees and then extend out as far as you can and then return. More advanced users can actually begin on their feet and then lower down to the plank position before returning to full upright. This was seen being done in a video on the . It takes a great deal of training and core strength before getting to that place. Personally? I am still doing the knee workouts but week by week am getting stronger


  • Big 14” tire good for indoor or outdoor workouts
  • Foot pedals for many more exercise possibilities
  • Velcro straps and tubing to keep feet in place
  • Rugged construction
  • Handles my weight at 240 pounds quite nicely
  • Voted the Best Core Trainer in the world

While they’ve incorporated the foot pedals into the product which adds for much more variety, in doing so they had to make the handles longer. I find that with my weight, the handles begin to bend when I’ve got my upper body weight bearing down on it. It’s pretty strong, but I would want it even stronger if I could get it improved a bit.

The Power Wheel Ab Trainer is available through Amazon for $47 and used for a little less. It’s a great addition to your fitness gear, really inexpensive, great for outdoor workouts and creates the ability to really hit your upper and lower abdominals as well as your entire core. The Power Wheel is an invaluable part of my core training.

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