.candy flavoured daydreams.

…Law of Attraction…


…The Secret….

Words that I have been hearing a lot recently. I would time it at around 2 months.
I had heard the movie mentioned at work, on the subway, my grandmother was talking to my aunt about it. And now forum members are talking about it.

What is all the fuss about here….

I searched the internet for anything “The Secret” related. I downloaded the audio book to my MP3 player. I listened to it for 4 days straight.

Although I do understand the law of attraction, I have been struggling to capture my experiences in words and I am afraid this may all come out in a mosaic…


I had been thinking about a really, really old friend of mine lately…for no particular reason except “I wonder what ever happened to Jackie”

She was probably the best friend I have ever had. She and her family moved away from me when we were in grade 6.
I have been checking facebook to see if she has an account, and using the internet as a search engine.
I remember the innocence of the friendship and the genuine laughter that always accompainied the two of us.
Not too long ago, a different friend of mine and I were talking casually. There was one phrase that fell off her lips, the sound was almost perfect…almost exactly like Jackie’s …..I’m not even kidding you…her voice was almost identical to hers in that one phrase.
It knocked me back for a minute, I did the whole “what did you say?”


That same night after I had finished the shower, my cell phone rang….

Jackie lives in vancouver and has 3 kids now. She is divorced but presently dating…That telephone call was hands down the best one I have ever participated in…
We have plans to see one another the second weekend of September.

HAHHAHHAHA seriously, wtf?

Out of nowhere I randomly begin thinking about her one day…like really thinking about her. I remembered the way the gravel kicked at our tires as we sped down alleys on the way to the store, always trying to beat an imaginary clock that neither of us paid any attention to. I felt how I did when we spent physical time together…I remembered the laughter and what it sounded like, when I thought back…
…it’s difficult for me to explain…

A few days later she is on the other end of the telephone…

I attracted her back into my life…I hold no question on this…


I knew there was a movie, but did not take action to view it right away. Yesterday I asked Rob if he had a copy of “The Secret” that I could borrow for the weekend.
Willing to lend me his copy, he said that he would have it to me by Friday.

Perfect!!! I know I will be watching it right away!!!

“I wonder if it’s like a movie, movie”
“I wonder what Rhonda Byrne looks like”
“I wonder if I can get it tomorrow instead of Friday”
I silently question everything about the movie before even seeing the cover.

I had plans to see a friend last night, he was coming over to look at my husbands wedding portfolios. A few minutes into conversation, he looks over at me and says..

“Oh yeah, I bought this DVD last week, I brought it over for you to watch, it’s interesting. You should take a watch. It’s really something else”

“Wicked, what movie?”

“The Secret”



I wanted that movie before Friday….I got that movie before Friday.

Every night since the conclusion of that audio book, I take a few minutes to be completely alone…
I listen to relaxing music in my headphones and I imagine.

I let my creativity draw outside the lines with permanent markers. I am the main character in the movies I direct behind my eyelids.
I paint my canvas with dazed strokes. Dipped the brush tip into confused rainbows that mix so perfectly in the most wrong of ways.


I stand while I splash every possible hue off of the brush and onto my existance until…
my eyes open to strange realities consumed by a kiss that fell from my lips…

I am attracting what I want my life to be like with thoughts like this:

“The light creeps in, waking the pillows that whisper good morning. I lay still for a moment, relishing the weight of the blankets around my legs. I’m peeking through clenched lashes, like a child, before I turn to wink at the sun…

..slowly slinking off the bed as not to wake him, although silently contemplating a quick review of the soft light…strong hands…pouty lips, that was the prelude to dreaming.

As I smooth my hands across my flat stomach (that now wears a size 6) and my full hips I am reminded of just how much I have accomplished in regards to my health. 36% of my body fat has been replaced with lean, sexy, toned muscle. I can’t stop looking at myself in the mirror. HAHAHA
I have completely transformed my body. I lead an active, healthy lifestyle that is full of exhuberant laughter and warm hugs. I realize that I am 100% responsible for my own results. I am passionatly dedicated to continually improving all aspects of my life, and to increasing the quality of my life and that of my family’s.

My interactions with the curious mix of old and new friends drives me to inspire those I am fortunate enough to meet.”

Visualizing has no right or wrong. You quite literally have anything you could imagine. Be anyone you can imagine. Do anything you imagine….

We can be substantial.

Meaningful enough to draw something so extraordinary that it surpasses the clustered sequence in the pocket of a fairy.

Thoughts become things, make them good ones, be creative…

I don’t know about you, but I miss the soft grass and playing catch with the clouds…



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