Understanding Hypoglycemia and Blood Sugar

In this 4 part series on blood sugar, I first talked about and then . Now let’s look at hypoglycemia. Having it for a long time could cause diabetes.

What Is Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia is a pancreatic stress pattern associated with having high amounts of sugar in the diet. It can be a precursor to diabetes through insulin insufficiency, or through glucagon stress.

Here we have very strong insulin which utilizes the sugars very quickly, while decreasing the utilization of fat.

To maintain blood sugar levels, these patients tend to eat often and in excess quantity. They are what we call “pancreatic obesity” people. They move fat only in one way – into storage. They have very limited capacity for utilizing fat.

This excess insulin or very strong insulin is usually associated with parasympathetic nervous system dominance, a sugar burner imbalance or an anaerobic imbalance and is often associated with a high estrogen level.

As in diabetics, the pituitary gland has a direct relationship with insulin resistivity. In hypoglycemia, the pituitary is functioning at low levels; this type of hypoglycemia has a flat curve of glucose tolerance, with increased serum lipids.

The pituitary gland and the pancreas hormones are antagonistic organs, so they will have to be in perfect balance in order for the carbohydrate and fat metabolism to happen smoothly

The pituitary insufficiency patient is not only predisposed to hypoglycemia, but to alcoholism as well (but that does not mean that all hypoglycemics are alcoholic)

Controlling Hypoglycemia

The only effective way to control hypoglycemia and the obesity that comes with it, in both pancreatic and pituitary imbalance patients, is with:

  • frequent feeding
  • avoidance of carbohydrates
  • low intensity long duration exercise

However, this applies only to hypoglycemics

Hypoglycemics and Complex Carbohydrates Myth

There is a myth that still is very common today amongst most nutritionists. This is the claim that complex carbohydrates are the only way the hypoglycemic should feed, because the high fiber of the carbs after consumption will be slowly released, and slowly absorbed.

They say that if you eat a high fiber vegetable or fruit (like a carrot, or an apple, or a potato) – because of the fiber content, the sugar is very slowly absorbed into the bloodstream…

The following table proves this is wrong, because the fiber does not slow down absorption of sugars…

Beautiful theory but when it comes down to practice, it doesn’t work:

The percentile score indicates the amount of carbohydrate absorbed in a fix time span, relative to the quantity of glucose absorbed in that same time span:

Carbohydrates VS Glucose Absorbed


Glucose 100% Banana 62%
Carrot 92% Orange 40%
Potato 70% Apple 39%
Wheat Bread 72% Ice Cream 36%
White Bread 69% Milk 33%
Mars Bar Candy Bar 68% Soy Beans 15%
Brown Rice 66% Peanuts 13%

So in reality eating brown rice is no better in terms of its effects on hypoglycemia than eating a candy bar and a potato is just as bad for a hypoglycemic as a candy bar…

This chart above is specifically for hypoglycemics, and it clearly proves that complex carbs are not the right way to go.

Don’t think that we are advocating junk food… In part 4 of this series we will be touching on the diets best for each type of sugar imbalance.

Now can you understand why it’s so important to get properly tested with the Gold Test which will catch frequent misdiagnoses, the actual reversible causes, and the proper diet.

Is it possible to rebuild Pancreatic Function – removing Diabetes?

Stay tuned… because part 4 of this mini-series will cover Pancreatic Function – specifically

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The Inner Biochemist

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