Out of Your Comfort Zone

I’ve realized that exercise will increase my weight loss and help get my body get into better condition. I finally decided that it was time to step out of my comfort zone

If I was going to be true to this experience, I had to go to the gym.

Remember, I haven’t exercised since 1985 and the hardbodies at the gym became more and more intimidating as I visualized myself in that situation.

Good Intentions

I work all day, why would I want to exercise when I come home or get up early to do it? My exercise plans always were paved with good intentions.

I always managed to pull out all the excuses:

“I have no energy to exercise”
“Exercising makes me sweat!”
“I’m too tired to exercise”
“I don’t have the time to exercise”
“I don’t have a gym membership”
“I’m too heavy to exercise”

Do any of these excuses sound familiar?

Darlene offered many times to take me to her gym and I finally took her up on her offer. She would explain some of the basics to me as well as give me a general fitness assessment.

Reality Check

All those years of not exercising took their toll on my body and I’d recieve a reality check. On the treadmill, I realized how out of shape I was.

My legs felt extremely tight and like lead. One of the most frustrating things is when you want your body to do something and it doesn’t co- operate. It wasn’t moving as I wanted it to and it felt uncomfortable. Muscles didn’t do what my mind wanted them too and shook. My breathing increased and I felt sweat dripping down the sides of my face.

After the treadmill we moved to the weights and . Darlene repeatedly told me to take deep breaths and increase my oxygen level with each lift of the weights. I was surprised at the effort it took to use the weights and move my body in synchronicity. Reality reared its head and I realized that I depleted the stamina from my body but also balance, strength and flexibility that I once had.

I wanted to stop but decided at that point that my giving up wasn’t my limited ability but my mindset.

I had convinced myself I couldn’t do it before I even attempted.

My goal is to exercise three times a week. My beginner workout plan plan can be found online at train with me online. This is my starting point.

If you haven’t started exercising, you can do many things but most importantly, you need to get moving.

Simple Ideas to Get Started

  • Park your vehicle away from the door so you will have to walk a longer distance
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator
  • Turn off the TV and go for a walk after dinner
  • Limit your time on the computer
  • Enjoy the season: Winter Activities: Skiing, snowboarding, hiking, snowshoeing
  • Start slow and increase your exercise each time
  • Get on the floor and play with your kids
  • Go bowling
  • Clean your house with intensity
  • Dance to your favorite music
  • Buy a pedometer and

For the first time this winter I have been more active then I have been in years. I have gone snowshoeing, walking, bowling and encorporated activity in my life. This summer I am participating in the HBC RUN FOR CANADA fundraiser and will walk 3K!

My Playful Spirit Returns

For the first time, in a long time I feel my playful spirit return. I am having fun, have connected with my inner child, enjoyed the time I spend with my husband and it didn’t matter how many strikes or spares I got when we went bowling. Most importantly, I was able to move my body with more freedom and feel comfortable in my own skin.

My challenge this week is to step outside of your comfort zone. Small or big, the choice is yours. Guaranteed, you will learn something about yourself. My learning this week is that my body is stronger then I believed it to be.

“The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be. “

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