10 Ways To Inspire a Concious Kitchen

The fastest way to be tempted by takeout is by culinary boredom. Eating out is also considered a major cause of obesity in America, according to a recent report by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The FDA report says that no link has been proven but that people are more likely to eat more at restaurants because of the large portions and the convivial atmosphere.

Here are some quick tips that will help you make healthier choices and inspire you to cook at home.

10 Ways To Inspire a Conscious Kitchen

1 Creative cooking If you can’t cook, why not take a cooking course? Check out the internet for exciting dishes, buy a cookbook or just start out with the basics. Remember, when creating a new recipe that it might take two or three times to get it just right. Make it your own but always have fun investigating and experimenting.

2 Spice It Up! Sweet or spicy? Curry, garlic, tumeric, sea salt, Bragg’s Seasonings or try new herbs like Cillantro can kick your dish up a notch. Try using fresh herbs and taste the difference. Many spices are rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial compounds.

3 Naturally Sweet. Choose natural, unrefined sweetners like Agave Nectar, Honey or Stevia instead of manufactured ones like or . (read Rob’s post on )

4 Rework your favourite recipes. Make them healthier choices that support your plan instead of sabotaging it! I love the potato but realize there is too much starch and sugar so I opt for the Fit Bastard’s sweet potato recipe complete with video!

[youtube -87-7n4AUUQ nolink]

5 Food Prep. Steaming, Grilling or Braising will lock in the nutrients and definitely capture the flavor instead of having to use added oil or processed cooking sprays. If you can, try eating your food raw and taste the food the way nature intended it to be.

6 Tools. Invest in that will help you chop, dice, puree or julliene. My favourites are my rice/veggie steamer, Bamix and .

7 Eat your veggies! Why not make a meal based on veggies or add more veggies to your favourite dishes? Better yet, why not try a veggie that you haven’t tried or have never seen before.

8 Nuts and Seeds. Nuts and seeds are a good source of protein. Nuts are always best when eaten raw right out of their shell. Nuts are an excellent source of rare amino acids that are destroyed in cooked protein. Seeds are a good source of essential minerals and beneficial oils. Use sparingly if wanting weight loss.

9 Pantry Patrol. Go through your pantry and donate the food to a charity that does not contribute to your eating well. If it’s in a box or can, get rid. If its not there, you won’t be tempted! I speak from personal experience.

10 Pass on pasta. Try Quinoa, Barley, Couscous, Millet, and Buckwheat. Many of these can be added to cereals soups, salads and casseroles. Not to mention, as a side dish.

How conscious are you about your eating?

My last top 10 post was the .

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