
[ Note: This article was written by fitness and nutrition author Jon Benson. I have his permission to share it with you. Jon is the author of the Seven Minute Muscle Workout]

Top 3 Responses To The Following Question
Will Win A FREE COPY Of The Power of Thin
Weight Loss Hypnosis Kit!

Power of Thin Kit


Tell me why you think you’re ready to try
REAL hypnosis (the kind used in the study
below, not the hokey kind you see on TV)
to increase YOUR fatloss…. starting NOW.

REMEMBER: Leave your response in the Comment area below. NO responses that involve financial reasons for winning will be considered, as the course is already more than half off! ANYONE can afford this… the question is WHY SHOULD YOU be given this Kit for Free!

Thanks, have fun, and good luck!

P.S. Contest Ends Wednesday, May 5, 2010!



Hypnosis has long been used to help people lose weight. There have been multiple studies that have shown the long-term benefits of hypnosis on weight loss. In one meta-analysis, researchers found that after receiving several sessions of hypnosis, overweight women lost on average of 11.83 pounds while women who did not receive hypnosis lost 6 pounds. This means that the hypnosis group lost 97% more pounds than the non-hypnosis group.

What is even more astonishing is the follow-up that was performed on the participants of the study. Researchers found that those who received hypnosis lost an average of 14.88 pounds during the follow-up. This compares to only 6.03 pounds in the non-hypnosis group. The participants who received hypnosis lost 147% more weight than those who did not use hypnosis to lose weight.

This study shows that hypnosis is not only beneficial in helping people lose weight in the short term, but it helps people continue to lose weight even after treatment has ended. This is powerful information that can help a lot of people reach a healthier weight.

Kirsch, I. (1996). Hypnotic enhancement of cognitive-behavioral weight loss treatments: Another meta-reanalysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64(3), 517-519.
